Ecosystem Services Provided by Pine Forests

Journal Article

Torres, Iván., Moreno, José M., Morales-Molino, César., Arianoutsou, Margarita.


<p>Pine forests represent a significant proportion of the vegetation of the Mediterranean Basin. Their abundance is explained in part by the importance they always have had for humans and the wide range of ecosystem services they provide. Pine forests and plantations are responsible for important provisioning services such as timber and firewood, but are rich in non-wood forest products, among which resin, pine nuts and edible mushrooms are the most outstanding examples. Of similar importance are the regulating services that pine woodlands provide. Erosion control and hydrological regulation have been the main reasons behind the establishment of many pine plantations throughout the Mediterranean Basin. Other regulating services of pine forests are their role in the carbon cycle, with pine stands representing a large fraction of carbon stocks in the Mediterranean region, and their importance as habitats for multiple, sometimes endangered, species. Pine forests also provide cultural services since pines are, esthetically, an iconic element in Mediterranean landscapes. Pine forests are enjoyed for multiple recreation and scientific activities. However, these ecosystem services are at risk of deterioration by several, and sometimes synergic, threats. Pine forests are very prone to fire, and though highly resilient to it, many services associated with pine forests disappear in the short- or long term following fire. Increasing temperatures and drought affect the recruitment, growth and survival of pines, increase fire risk and favor the expansion of pests and diseases.</p>


Pinos, Mediterraneo, Servicios ecosistémicos